Getting your phone to ring using the web
When you think of online marketing, you tend to focus on generating clicks to your website. The amount of traffic is a key factor in your success online, but the most important factor is conversions. So how do you go about this? Click to call via PPC ads Numerous searches are made on mobile phones […]
3 top lead generation ideas for your insurance business
Lead generation is essential for online businesses, especially in the competitive insurance industry. Your aim is to get as many targeted leads as possible, and this may involve getting people to sign up to your email list. So how do you go about generating leads? There are many techniques you could use, and here are […]
The importance of dedicated landing pages
Landing pages are specific web pages that have one goal in mind – to encourage visitors to perform a specific action. Although your home page may be a landing page of sorts, specific pages are often necessary for generating better results, especially if you run an insurance website. Here are some of the main ways […]
PPC – so you’ve got a visitor – now what?
Pay per click (PPC) marketing is great in that you pay money and you get traffic. Simple! As an easy starting point, lots of businesses use PPC as they can understand it. Well, at least the basics anyway. PPC is a great way to drive traffic quickly to your site to see how well it […]
Winning more business
Every company wants more business, and you are probably no different. But how should you go about it? There are many areas that you can focus on, from building your brand to online marketing. Here are some ideas for how you could start getting more business today. Develop your brand & expertise Don’t assume that […]