What does your website do for you?

This is a bit of a loaded question, as I know from speaking to most brokers what the answer is already – and it ends in “all”.

That said, the reason for this could be many fold:

  • the designer didn’t have a proper brief;
  • the website designer didn’t understand insurance;
  • you, the business owner, didn’t really know what you wanted;
  • the site was built a few years back;
  • you only wanted an online brochure;
  • there are no metrics in place to understand whether it is working or not.

With mobile and social media becoming more and more popular (and no sign of that changing) now is a great time to overhaul your website and also your marketing measures.

What your website can do for you.

  • it can collect enquiries from customers and deliver them to you via email;
  • your site can collect product info requests and automatically send them a reply with any document or attachment you want 24/7;
  • it can drive sales if you have online trading facilities;
  • your site can tell you what marketing is and isn’t working for you and where the bulk of your profitable traffic is coming from;
  • it can subscribe people to your email newsletter database and manage subscribers;
  • and more…

Given that your website could do these things for you, why isn’t yours? Your website could act like another member of staff beavering away 24/7 for you. But only if you set it up that way.

If you want to find out more about how your website can do more for your business, do get in touch. We would love to help you drive more traffic and business from your current website or help you create other ways of getting opportunities from the internet.

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