What should you do with those leads and calls when they start coming in?

Simply saying your website doesn’t work because you cannot tell if it has sent you any calls or email enquiries doesn’t mean it is your website’s fault. In fact, in this day and age it is much easier to store and report on website activity – and yes. that even includes tracking telephone calls from the web. This means you can really understand where your marketing spend is going and how well it is or isn’t working for you.

We have two interesting products to share with you that can help you manage your phone activity and also a lead system that can help you grow and engage with your site enquiries.

Telephone tracking

One of the things that your online marketing activity can achieve for you is to get your phone ringing. With more and more users engaging with the internet via a mobile phone, many people simply research they information they require and hit a click to call button and your office phone starts ringing.

Some phone tracking software now allows you to run very complex auto generating display number systems, so if two people visit your website they could see a different phone number yet both will be forwarded to your actual phone number.

Lead tracking and CRM

Getting users completing your email capture forms on your website is only half of the battle, if these simply send you emails to your Outlook or other email client, it will be hard to ensure you follow up with these people in the right way, if at all.

By using an email marketing platform, which combines marketing automation and CRM, you are have a huge advantage by then simply driving people to the right forms and the software can do the heavy lifting for you.

HubSpot have a free CRM tool as part of their marketing suite.   HubSpot has a huge amount of functionality out of the box as well as paid upgrades.  Get your own free CRM using HubSpot.

Visit: HubSpot


Combining these two pieces of software with Google Analytics will give you a vast amount of data to help you understand what is working on your website, where your office calls are coming from and helping you to follow up with customers. Having these systems in place will mean you can rest easy in that you will be better able to react and move your marketing budgets to those areas that are working and reduce or remove those that aren’t.

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