Educating site visitors with multi part email courses

Insurance products can get quite complicated and this is one thing that switches people off faster than anything else. So finding a way of making something easy to digest is always a good thing.

Multi-part email courses are one technique that most internet marketers use to build a mailing list. This in itself is a good thing, but if we look at the purpose of this exercise being to educate the site visitor, then breaking down something into manageable chunks and delivering it daily makes sense.

Couple that with the ability to brand it, add in calls to action, and market it as a free resource, then not only does it educate your site visitors to allow them to make more informed decisions it also becomes:

  • A mailing list builder;
  • A good PR opportunity;
  • A USP in a crowded space;
  • Automatic – Once set up they run on autopilot delivering messages as you set them up;
  • Follows up for you. You can automate follow-ups after the course is delivered to maximise its effectiveness.

So how do you construct a course? Firstly, think how many days you want to use for your course, some courses are all done in a single PDF report download, or you can run a chunk sized 3, 5, or 7 day course. We see more response from a multi-part option as you are currently being seen in your visitor’s inbox. We have seen the best results with a 5 or 7 day course.

When you have chosen the number of days, collect a list of potential subjects for each day. This usually works best as a question. For example

Day 1 Income Protection – What is it?

Day 2 Income Protection – Why do I need it?


As you can see, you now have the opportunity to answer that question in an easy, succinct way. You are looking for no more than 500 words for this as you want to make sure the visitors gets the main points as he / she will be getting more from you tomorrow.

Work through the next few days’ worth of content and then you have a course all ready. The next step is to set up a system to manage and deliver the email course when people what it. There are great systems that will deliver this for you 24/7 – so the users gets the info when they want it not when you can deliver it.

These tools are called Autoresponders. We use them to deliver all our courses and freebies so we can automate our follow ups. The best two online systems we have found are: AWeber and GetResponse. We have been using GetResponse for the last 9 years and it has never let us down. You can’t go too far wrong with either of these services.

Don’t have the time or expertise to set up an email course?

Do you see that an email course could be beneficial for you but don’t have the time or ability to get it done? Well, we can do it all for you. We can even help set up the mechanism to deliver the course and build the list for you.

For more information use our contact form and we will get in touch shortly. We offer a range of services so all you need to do is get in touch…

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